¡BIEN! Collaboration with IMPACT and Mercy Health Center
¡BIEN! collaboration with IMPACT and Mercy Health Center
Under the direction of CHDS professors Edward Delgado-Romero, Linda Campbell and Linda Logan, alongside Kristi Gilleland, Whole Person Care Director, ¡BIEN! psychology trainees are part of the IMPACT team at Mercy Hospital.
IMPACT stands for Integrated Mental and PhysicAl Care Team. The team partners with the other volunteer providers at Mercy Health Center to provide Integrated Behavioral Health services. The IMPACT team consists of Counseling Psychology PhD students, pharmacy and social work graduate students and Mercy staff. ¡BIEN! students provide Spanish language therapy as well as see general patients referred to us by medical staff.
Mercy Health Care is a Christian health resource center and provides whole person healthcare for those who are underserved. Only those without insurance are eligible for services at Mercy and the majority of providers are volunteers.
IMPACT students see clients and meet weekly to discuss cases with their social work, pharmacy, nursing and other medical colleagues.
In the Fall of 2018 the IMPACT team will begin to integrate a research component in the work at Mercy. For more information on IMPACT please contact Jhokania De Los Santos at jdelossantos@uga.edu or Eleanor Ellis at kee30837@uga.edu.